Albright’s Gun Shop is the only elite dealer for Caesar Guerini in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Albright’s Gun Shop is located ONLY 20 minutes away from Caesar Guerini USA. Set an appointment with us to take you to Caesar Guerini to select the gun that is right for you. We do stock some of their Hunting and Sporting Clay Shotguns including: The Forum, Woodlander, Tempio, Magnus, Magnus Light, Summit Sporting, and Magnus Sporting Shotguns. In stock items may vary.
Caesar Guerini Shotguns, produced to the exact specifications as laid out by top American shooters and hunters, these new over/under shotguns imported from Caesar Guerini of Brescia, Italy combine some of the finest craftmanship, precise manufacturing tolerances and premium materials that Italian gun makers are famous for the world over.
All Caesar Guerini Shotguns include:





What is it?
It is dedication to our customers that is unprecedented in the firearms industry. It is a belief that service does not end when the sale is finished. It is a promise to you that when you invest in a high quality Caesar Guerini shotgun you are going to get service that protects your investment and assures maximum performance from your firearm.
As the original owner of a Caesar Guerini shotgun you can send your firearm to us once a year for a free service and tune-up (up to three times).
- Turn around will be 5 to 7 business days.
- Your only cost is shipping.
- The Pit Stop Program is a great way to have your gun in top condition for the upcoming hunting or target season.